The Catholic Archdiocese of Edmonton

Thank you for your generous support!

Funds to support:

  • The Archdiocesan Land Fund has been established to support the building of new churches to meet the needs of population growing in several areas of the Archdiocese.
  • The Archdiocesan Land Fund has been established to support the building of new churches to meet the needs of population growth in several areas of the Archdiocese.
  • The Charitable Fund is used at the discretion of the Archbishop for charitable funding and various Catholic initiatives here at home, across Canada, as well as abroad.
  • The Seminarian Education Fund supports the education costs for seminarians studying for The Catholic Archdiocese of Edmonton.
  • St. Benedict Chapel is an oasis of peace and serenity for Catholics who work and shop in downtown Edmonton.  Located on the 3rd floor of the City Centre East Mall, the chapel offers three daily weekday mass celebrations, one mass on Saturdays and confession.

Charitable Registration Number 10807 5904 RR0008


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For all other donations, please fill out the form below:

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$ 1,000.00
$ 500.00
$ 250.00
$ 100.00
$ 50.00
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Mission Advancement

8421 - 101 Avenue NW

Edmonton, Alberta, Canada T6A 0L1

Phone 780-469-1010 Email: